Greed Online
Players: 6
Greed Online | Half-Day Quests (12 hours)
What is a half-day quest?
There's a lots of half-days quests on Greed, and they're going to give you a random reward between 4 options, that has a 25% of chance for each one. At the moment you use the chest, you must wait 12 hours to use it again.




Position (use /pos command to identify)

Rewards (25% chance for each)

Mi’hen River

South-west of Mi’hen deposit, very close to it, just follow the river


X: 1217, Y: 972, Z: 7

10 platinum coin, 20 sudden death rune, 4 small emerald, 20 fireball rune


Thais Southern Cyclops (Underground)

You'll find this chests in the undergrounds of Thais Southern Cyclops, at the end of the cave


X: 669, Y: 1178, Z: 9

20 platinum coin, 50 mana potion, 50 health potion, 1 stealth ring


Carniphila Underwater

Access through Mi’hen Farm, just follow the path till’ you find Mutated Humans


X: 1342, Y: 909, Z: 13

25 platinum coin, 40 fireball rune, 1 life ring

1 ring of healing

Besaid Ruins

(Serpent Spawns)

Get to Besaid jungle by passing Bikanel Desert. You’ll find an entrance to old ruins…


X: 1242, Y: 1087, Z: 9

1 fossil rune, 100 sudden death rune

3 crystal coins

100 great mana potion


Lion’s Rock Dungeon

Access through Mi’hen Farm, by reaching Lancer Beetles


X: 1365, Y: 972, Z: 14

1 fossil rune

1 crystal coins

100 great fireball rune

100 strong mana potion


Lizard Underground Palace (Top Floor, west-wing)

You need to finish some Wrath of the Emperor missions to access this place.


X: 1125, Y: 681, Z: 8

3 crystal coin, 1 fossil rune, 100 ultimate health potion

100 great mana potion

Kilika Catacombs (Necromancers)

From Kilika Temple, go to the north. Then you’ll find 3 stairs, use the one of the center and go underground.


X: 996, Y: 894, Z: 11

1 fossil rune, 100 great fireball rune, 1 crystal coins

100 strong mana potion

Moonflow (Mutated Cave)

This cave is placed inbetween Bikanel Desert and Demon Oak.


X: 1181, Y: 1062, Z: 8

1 fossil rune, 45 heavy magic missile, 30 platinum coin,

30 strong mana potion


Razachai (Interior)

Access this place through Wrath of the Emperor quest.


X: 1156, Y: 664, Z: 15

10 crystal coin, 3 fossil rune, 1 greed nugget

100 ultimate healing potion


Formorgar Mines

Access this place through Omega Ruins


X: 732, Y: 927, Z: 10

1 fossil rune

3 crystal coins

100 ultimate healing potion,

100 sudden death rune


Werewolves (Poacher Caves)

Access through the undergrounds of Mi’hen docks


X: 1378, Y: 962, Z: 13

100 platinum coin, 2 berserk potion, 1 fossil rune

100 sudden death rune


Kilika Cemetery (Behemoths)

Access through Kilika Cemetery and take the east path instead of south


X: 1022, Y: 1079, Z: 12

1 fossil rune, 100 assassin star, 2 crystal coins

100 great spirit potion


Omega Ruins (Nightmares)

Access through Omega Ruins, and head to north at the underground floor (-2) 


X: 855, Y: 962, Z: 9

1 fossil rune, 100 ultimate healing potion, 1 crystal coins

100 great mana potion


Gargoyle Sanctuary (Hellspawns)

Access throught Kilika’s Tortoises, you must have at least level 100 to pass thought mystic flame.


X: 893, Y: 996, Z: 14

1 fossil rune, 1 black skull, 3 crystal coins

100 great spirit potion

Besaid Ruins

(Serpent Spawns)

A second chest on Besaid Ruins, get through Besaid Jungle and you’ll find the entrance.


X: 1231, Y: 1174, Z: 9

1 fossil rune, 5 soul orb, 2 crystal coin

100 great spirit potion

Minotaur Quarter

Go to the end of the Quarter and find a small dirt passage to the east.


X: 1294, Y: 1021, Z: 10

40 fireball rune, 1 stealth ring, 30 platinum coin

30 mana potion

Warzones (Hellspawns)

Access to the Fire Warzone and head to Hellspawns at the depth.


X: 1019, Y: 956, Z: 14

2 fossil rune, 2 greed nugget, 5 crystal coins

100 ultimate healing potion


Depth Macalania (Ghastly Dragons)

Access through Macalania Frost Dragons till’ you reach the Ghastly Dragon cave.


X: 1023, Y: 726, Z: 10

3 fossil rune, 5 crystal coins, 2 mastermind potion

100 ultimate healing potion


Elves Cave (Dragons)

Access through Elves Cave at the north of Mi’hen temple.


X: 1236, Y: 801, Z: 12

1 fossil rune, 1 greed nugget, 1 crystal coins

100 sudden death runes


Zanarkand Ruins (Brimstone Bugs)

Access through the undergrounds of Zanarkand Ruins.


X: 1135, Y: 921, Z: 11

1 fossil rune, 1 greed nugget, 2 crystal coins

100 ultimate healing potion


Warzones (Cliff Striders)

Access through the Cliff Strider Warzone and head to the end of the cave.


X: 1023, Y: 784, Z: 14

3 greed nugget, 3 fossil rune, 1 tribal crest

5 crystal coins

Roshamuul Prison (floor -2)

Access through Roshamuul by heading to the underground prison.


X: 1335, Y: 1189, Z: 9

1 greed nugget, 3 fossil rune, 100 sudden death rune

100 ultimate healing potion


Thais Northwest Road (Orc Hill)

Access through Snakes grounds till’ you see a little mountain with Orc Shamans.


X: 472, Y: 916, Z: 5

4 platinum coin, 20 sudden death rune, 4 small emerald, 20 fireball rune

Mount Sternum (Cyclops)

Find the way to the east river edge of Mount Sternum.


X: 760, Y: 831, Z: 7

15 platinum coin, 20 mana potion, 20 health potion, 20 explosion rune

Thais Southern Minotaurs

Find the chest in a hole to the undergrounds of Thais Southern Minotaurs.


X: 451, Y: 1190, Z: 8

10 platinum coin, 40 fireball rune, 1 life ring, 30 mana potion

Naginata Quest (Dragon Lords)

Find this chest by passing Naginata’s quest level door and going underground.


X: 529, Y: 854, Z: 12

1 fossil rune, 55 sudden death rune, 1 green gem,

55 ultimate health potion

Greenshore Cults (Acolytes)

Find this chest by passing Cultists piano gate and going depth.


X: 358, Y: 905, Z: 10

35 platinum coin, 33 great fireball rune, 1 fossil rune, 33 sudden death rune

Mt. Sternum Undead Cave (Dragon Lords)

Find this chest on the depths of Mt. Sternum Undead Cave.


X: 591, Y: 785, Z: 13

50 platinum coin, 1 fossil rune, 40 great health potion, 40 great mana potion

Crystal Lake Dungeon (Hydra)

Find the Hydra inside Crystal Lake Dungeon and you’ll see the chest.


X: 464, Y: 1190, Z: 11

1 fossil rune, 60 explosion rune, 40 platinum coin, 60 strong mana potion

Thais East Orc Fortress

Find Thais Orc Fortress going to the north-east, nearby Mt. Sternum.


X: 857, Y: 859, Z: 7

1 fossil rune, 60 heavy magic missile, 40 platinum coin, 50 great fireball rune

Morgaroth Throne Demons (Greenshore Cultists)

Access to the Morgaroth’s Throne Room by following Cultists path.


X: 430, Y: 867, Z: 12

3 crystal coin, 3 fossil rune, 100 ultimate health potion, 100 great mana potion

Mt. Sternum Undead Cave (Giant Spider)

Find the Giant Spider that is on the depths of Mt. Sternum Undead Cave.


X: 659, Y: 752, Z: 14

1 fossil rune, 1 time ring, 50 platinum coin, 50 explosion rune

Mintwallin (The Royal Storage Room)

Find this chest in the Minotaur’s hidden city of Mintwallin.


X: 657, Y: 889, Z: 15

55 platinum coin, 2 berserk potion, 1 fossil rune, 50 sudden death rune

Ruins of White Flower Temple (Grim Reapers)

Enter to Grim Reaper’s area by passing the gate of deathstructon.


X: 610, Y: 1049, Z: 15

2 fossil rune, 100 assassin star, 2 crystal coin, 100 great mana potion

Greenshore Bog Raiders (Rotworm Caves)

Enter to Rotworm caves till’ you found the path to Bog Raiders.


X: 575, Y: 801, Z: 14

1 fossil rune, 30 ultimate healing rune, 50 platinum coins, 50 explosion rune

Cults of Thais (Barbarian Camp)

Access to Cults of Thais by entering to the gate of deathsctruction at Barbarian’s Camp.


X: 738, Y: 1186, Z: 8

1 fossil rune, 1 black skull, 100 platinum coin, 100 great fireball rune

Greenshore Dragon Lord Lair

Access by passing the level 40 door at the north-west of Greenshore.


X: 414, Y: 808, Z: 12

1 fossil rune, 5 soul orb, 100 platinum coin, 100 empowered bolt

Thais Edron Orc Cave (The Ancient Temple)

Find this cave by exploring undergrounds of The Ancient Temple to the west.


X: 534, Y: 903, Z: 14

30 fireball rune, 1 stealth ring, 30 platinum coin, 30 strong mana potion

Kilika Deep Desert (Skeleton Elite Warriors)

Find this chest on the hall of Kilika Deep Desert by going upstairs.


X: 1162, Y: 959, Z: 12

3 fossil rune, 3 crystal coin, 3 mastermind potion, 1 greed nugget

Kilmaresh Catacombs (Kilika Deep Desert)

Find this Catacombs by going to the depths of Kilika Deep Desert.


X: 1180, Y: 901, Z: 14

1 greed nugget, 3 fossil rune, 100 sudden death rune, 100 ultimate health potions

Thais Magician Quarter

Find the Magician Quarter heading to the east of Thais.


X: 767, Y: 989, Z: 5

1 fossil rune, 30 mana potions, 20 platinum coin, 30 health potions

Thais Fire Devil Cave (Northwest Road)

Find the chest by going underground at the Fire Devil cave.


X: 459, Y: 963, Z: 13

1 fossil rune, 25 heavy magic missile, 25 platinum coin, 25 explosion runes

Thais Banshee Room

Find this chest at the mysterius Thais Banshee Room.


X: 536, Y: 1182, Z: 10

1 fossil rune, 25 heavy magic missile, 30 platinum coin, 50 explosion runes

Macalania Mammoth Road

Find this chest aside of the NPC Yawno.


X: 1140, Y: 893, Z: 7

1 fossil rune, 35 heavy magic missile, 20 platinum coin, 30 mana potions

The Ancient Temple (west-side Dragon)

Find a lonely Dragon and a Dragon Hatchling at the west side of Ancient Temple undergrounds.


X: 455, Y: 912, Z: 9

1 fossil rune, 40 ultimate healing rune, 30 platinum coin, 40 sudden death rune

Thais Zombie Cave (west-side)

Find this daily quest at the end of the Zombie cave, where many undead Pirates lies.


X: 416, Y: 1046, Z: 9

1 fossil rune, 45 heavy magic missile, 80 platinum coin, 50 great fireball rune