Greed Online
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  Major Pathfinding Update

Change on creature's pathfinding

A crucial change has been made and now our monsters have a much more aggresive behaviour, they're more glued to player's route and had a much better hold of targets. Here's a video showing up how it behaves now:

This have been achieved thanks to NRH-AA (a.k.a Itutorial) who crafted this amazing optimization, it has been already implemented to GreedOT and we're expecting the best performance from it.

Disable of player's respawn block

Now that we enhanced the monsters behaviour, we see GreedOT as a much more challenging server. And yes, we want to make it even more challenging! We disabled the respawn block and now monsters will spawn even if a player is blocking their respawn.

Change on item use/move delays

We added difficulty to the server, but, we don't wanted to do that without a little boost. Now you will be able to use potions, runes, tools, and objects in general much quicker, due a reduce in item use/move delays. This was modified directly on our source code.

Thanks for reading, 
Kindly regards, GreedOT.

submitted by GOD Ralke

  Minor Adjustments

New adjustments for weapon's upgrades and damage

Wand of Inferno - Tibia ItensHailstorm Rod

We made an important update to our wands and rods, now their damage will consider more the attack value of the weapon instead of the player's level. For achieve this, the formula of this type of weapon was changed to (level /20) + magicLevel * 0.25 0.5) + (attack * 1.10 to 1.5). 

Another important change is that our weapons received a life leech and mana leech boost, where melee weapons can be able to get a % of life leech, distance weapons can get life and mana leech, and wands/rods can get a % of mana leech. This recovery will be calculated based on player's damage and the % will be based on item strenght.

Change of experience stages and monster's health

In other news, we have increased our experience stages to make mid-late game transition a bit more easier, the changes can be seen at server information. We also reduced the extra hitpoints of creatures, before it was multiplied by * 0.04 and now the rate has been set to * 0.025.

Moving to a different training room

We're also been adviced that players wanted to train together, or a least been able to see other players while training. This is why we decided to take out our previous training system where players got teleported to a solitary space, and replaced for an usual training room where players can see each other.

Thanks for reading, 
Kindly regards, GreedOT.

submitted by GOD Ralke

  Launch July 2023

"Prepare to play a server made with huge effort, with experience stages and monsters with levels; a modified a* algorythm for more intelligent creatures, and lots of quests with guides on Youtube"

GreedOT July 2023
GreedOT staff is happy to announce that we're back! There's a lot of new stuff; on the mapping side we have the complete addition of Thais and Greenshore -in our own custom version- with 3 brand-new teleport rooms for the cities of Kilika, Mi'hen and Thais.

In the gameplay side, we have forged a complete upgrade system which uses two fundamental items, the wand of identification which allows you to identify unknown items and the extraction hammer that is used to break fossil runes. This system also considers a complete rework of paladin's ammunitions and it's spells.

There's also some special things for donators who have helped us along the way, now premium accounts are allowed to log-in 3 characters in the same account to enjoy the benefits on being premium in a single account..

Be prepared to join us at
1 July 2023 (7:00 a.m. GMT-3 Chile)

submitted by GOD Ralke

  Installing OTCv8 + minimap

It is possible to unlock full Greed map?

Today I created a tutorial for those OTClientV8 users who want to enter the server and who want to have the minimap fully unlocked. Our map is unique, and immense, therefore it will be of great help.

How to do it?

Follow our tutorial, and in simple steps, you will have everything installed correctly.

submitted by GOD Ralke

  We're back!

A fresh new start on Greed

I haven't announced it but we closed Greed the whole April month. And tomorrow, 23th April we're back online! We have changed many things in our server according to the users feedback received while the server ran at the beginning of the year. In simple words, the changes are:

April changelogs

A complete rework of Thais, adding a massive amount of new hunting zones. I attached an image below of the Snake Tower guildhouse so you guys can see how much it changed compared to real map Thais.

A complete rework of our upgrade system. We have deleted a lot of attributes that wasn't what we seek to make a perfect balance between vocations. This led us to the following table of attributes: It's important to mention that every item that drops from monsters will be unidentified, and according to that fact, every player will start with an identification wand to reveal items hidden attributes.

A rework of upgrading system runes, you will be able to only obtain fossil runes from daily quests, and upgrading runes from tasks. You can also get enchantment runes, cleansing runes, faith runes, fortune runes, and alteration runes by using an extraction hammer on fossil runes.

There's also a few more tasks on Grizzly Adams (ex.: rotworms, cyclops); now every addon can be obtained at Maroda; added many items to our exchanger Nhadala; added an automatic system that boosts aleatory monsters by a 30% of extra experience and loot every 24h; increased the amount of daily quests to 41; added two new infinite food items to our shop offer; reworked every addon bonus; and added the possibility to obtain legendary items (with two enchantment slots) from main questline.

Be prepared to join us at, 
23th April 7:00 a.m. (GMT-4).

submitted by GOD Ralke

  Welcome to Greed Online!

"Greed Online is a custom server built on TFS 1.5 downgrade 8.60 and Znote AAC. Everything in our server is unique, you start in a fresh brand-new map made from scratch with three  custom cities: Kilika, Mi'hen and Thais"

How to enter?
It's really simple, just download your favourite Tibia IP Changer and enter the IP "", mark your port as 7171, mark the client protocol as AUTO or 8.6, open your Tibia 8.6 and press "change IP".

We got amazing systems, such as: monster levels, equipment upgrading, automatic boss respawn, 100% scripted real tibia quests (pits of inferno, inquisition, wrath of the emperor, svargrond arena, etc.), killing in the name of... with bosses room, backpacks and bags as ammunition quivers, conditioned training areas, and much more...  

Be prepared to join us at
25 February 2023 (7:00 a.m GMT-3 Chile)

submitted by GOD Ralke